For those who lack the capacity to use technology, because of either age, expense, health, or social conditions, an app or technology product can be the first step towards helping them manage their own health. Get Active, as a tracker with available app and web software, is designed to target those who would benefit from moderate improvements in their activity but are outside the reach of that technology. It allows people to see the potential of e-technology, to make them curious about its potential and life-changing possibility.
Get Active Liverpool, developed with Innovation Agency, Liverpool Community Health, PSS and Liverpool CCG, is now fully subscribed, with 500 trackers across multiple community and workplace groups, enabling it to recruit a wide range of community champions.
The key is community engagement, these champions working with the programme, including Henshaws, MOWLL and Genie in the Gutter improve outreach into the community. As well as widening the reach of target individuals, people can provide feedback and insight making the services and products better
Care Innovation were one of several eHealth Cluster members who took part in the cluster-managed Digital Space at Ilinks 2016, where they were given the opportunity to tell an audience of senior NHS professionals about their work, and how they are integrating digital technology with health and social care services.