The eHealth Cluster was established in 2013. Guided by member needs, it has developed into a vibrant, growing network, influencing the region through bringing together local NHS, local authorities, care organisations and the tech industry.
Liverpool City Region’s eHealth Cluster was initially managed by Digital Creativity in Disability and supported by Mi Liverpool and Liverpool Vision through ACME.
From October 2014 to October 2015, the eHealth Cluster was delivered by a partnership of Regenerus, RLK Partnerships and the Confederation of Social Entrepreneurs. They worked in partnership with Mi Liverpool (and Liverpool CCG), delivering the eHealth Business Assistance programme, as part of the ERDF LCR New Markets & Growth Programme, with a steering group including representatives of Liverpool Vision, Mi Liverpool, NWC AHSN, LJMU and DCD.
eHealth Cluster Ltd now operates as a social enterprise (company limited by guarantee) to provide business, networking and collaboration support to cluster members.
Funded by ERDF LCR New Markets & Growth Programme 2014-2015