Our membership model is based on members working together for mutual gain – providing input to the cluster and receiving benefits from the cluster.
The seven membership categories are:
- Technology SMEs and Individuals (within the Liverpool City region)
Individual SME | Digital & Creative | Product Developers | IoT
Getting help with:
- Insight into new product requirements and market needs, from Health and Social Care members, and Public Bodies
- Engagement with Commissioners / Public Bodies / Health and Care Practitioners
- Identifying and understanding Routes to Market in NHS and Social Care
- Routes to test concepts/products and co-creation opportunities, through other members
- Collaborations with other tech companies
- Access to research and development activities
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter e.g. Promotional items, job vacancies, requests for help/support
- Entry on cluster website members page
- Events – may involve an additional charge if full funding not available
- Managed brokering – relevant partnering opportunities and support from all categories of cluster membership
- Information on wider support programmes available
Helping other members with:
- Expertise in digital inclusion & accessibility
- Highlighting potential new products
- Advice on market trends
- Creativity and technical innovation
- Expertise on User Experience
- Advice on new products
- Showcasing talent and expertise in LCR
- Public bodies and professionals
Local Authority | LEP |CCG | GPs | Clinicians | Other NHS
For your membership fee you will receive:
- Engagement services:
- We have supported public bodies during tender phases and facilitated engagement and market development events
- Provided a reference point for tech companies that public bodies cannot engage with directly or support – due to tender situations or other commercial agreements
- Facilitated collaborations for bids and tenders
- Promoted tender opportunities, actively encouraged and supported local organisations to get involved in eHealth projects linking technology suppliers with relevant care providers
- Direct links to cluster members from all categories of membership to support programmes, funding bids or specific challenges
- Information:
- A regular monthly newsletter, highlighting events, funding opportunities and news from all categories of cluster members
- Publicity
- The opportunity to promote your events and programmes in the newsletter (current distribution of over 300 people with an interest in eHealth)
- An entry on the eHealth cluster website for any of your projects or services
- Promote your activities in eHealth at regular events. For example we showcased members, products and projects at the annual iLINKs event at Aintree. The cluster is being featured in the Global Social Economy Forum in Montreal in September 2016 and the Week of Health and Innovation in Denmark in October 2016
- An information point for companies looking to invest the Region
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter
- Access to cluster members
- Entry on cluster website members page
- Support to events in terms of planning. Hosting and taking part
- Managed brokering – relevant partnering opportunities and support from all categories of cluster membership
- Information on wider support programmes available
Helping other members with:
- Access to LCR strategic planning process
- Identification of challenges
- Identification of potential opportunities
- Engagement opportunities for other members
- Resources
- Specialist expertise e.g. regulation, safeguarding, demographic trends, medical
- Links to European funded programmes
- Academic and Research
University of Liverpool | LJMU | Hope University | Other Universities | AHSN | LHP | Other Academic/Research
Getting help with:
- Wider engagement in research programmes
- Support to engagement events
- Access to industry partners
- Access to practitioners e.g. care providers
- Guest speakers for courses and events
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter
- Opportunity to inform wider audience of current research activities
- Entry on cluster website members page
- Events – may involve an additional charge if full funding not available
- Managed brokering – relevant partnering opportunities and support from all categories of cluster membership, including engaging SMEs in research programmes
Helping other members with:
- Dissemination of research
- Resources
- Links between wider research programmes
- Opportunities for graduates/placements
- Health and Social Care Providers (working in the Liverpool City Region)
Care Homes | Drug and Alcohol| Personal Support | Domiciliary Care Providers | Mental Health | Wellbeing | Primary Care | Acute Care
Getting help with:
- Links to commissioners, input to market shaping and soft market testing exercises
- Support in developing new ways of working from other sectors
- Awareness of eHealth products available and emerging
- Impartial links to technology providers
- Support to incorporate technology into services
- Forging new collaborations within own sector and wider
- Promotion of willingness to change and opportunity for change
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter
- Entry on cluster website members page
- Events – may involve an additional charge if full funding not available
- Managed brokering – relevant partnering opportunities and support from all categories of cluster membership
- Information on wider support programmes available
Helping other members with:
- Real life practical scenarios
- Advice on practical issues prohibiting the adoption of technology e.g. procurement, regulation, training, skills
- Identification of needs within the sector
- Feedback on products
- Showcasing services
- Facilitated access to service users
- Highlighting issues facing the sector
- Support Functions
Marketing/Publicity | Assistive Technology Advisors | Legal and Financial | Networking | Business Support
Getting help with:
- Providing a clearer path for eHealth SMEs looking for advice, less confusing, reduced duplication
- Coordination of support available
- Wider engagement in support programmes
- Promotion of opportunities/projects
- Access to cluster members
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter
- Entry on cluster website members page to promote support available
- Events – may involve an additional charge if full funding not available
- Cluster can refer members in need of support
- Information on wider support programmes available
Helping other members with:
- Resources
- Specialist expertise
- Input to events/speakers
- Supply Chain Partners
Large eHealth Suppliers | Manufacturers | Component suppliers | Test Houses | Other Supply Chain | Distribution Partners
Getting help with:
- Access to smaller, specialist organisations
- Access to innovation via SMEs and academic institutions
- Information on trends/emerging technology
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter
- Entry on cluster website members page
- Events – may involve an additional charge if full funding not available
- Managed brokering – relevant partnering opportunities and support from all categories of cluster membership
- Information on wider support programmes available
Helping other members with:
- Advice on product manufacture during design phases
- Awareness of facilities available within LCR
- Potential partnering opportunities
- Potential distribution channels
- Other/Emerging /Equipment Providers
Integrated Systems | Personal Equipment | Recruitment Consultants | Organisations outside the Liverpool City Region
Getting help with:
- Promotion of opportunities
- Opportunities for placements
- Access to cluster members for advertising
Other services from the cluster:
- Monthly newsletter and opportunity to promote items in newsletter
- Entry on cluster website members page to promote services
- Events – will involve an additional charge if full funding not available
- Managed brokering – relevant partnering opportunities and support from all categories of cluster membership
- Information on wider support programmes available
Helping other members with:
- Knowledge of eHealth market trends
- Resources
- Learning from other programmes
- Identifying eHealth market needs
To find out more about who our members are in each category take a look at the Member Profiles
Or read some member case studies, describing the work they do, and how the eHealth Cluster has helped.
To become a member please contact us