This picture postcard town of Bergen was chosen for the Norwegian Partner meeting in June. The eHealth Cluster sits alongside other European health clusters in this Erasmus+ project. We have clusters from Spain, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Norway as well as other healthcare and university representatives involved.
The partner meeting was a great opportunity to share ‘cluster activity’ stories as well as getting down to the business of progressing the workpackages. For DISH we are aiming to find the hidden pieces in the skills matrix for healthcare workers.
One of the key objectives is to look into the present and future skills needs, in order to succeed with the necessary digitalisation in the sector, and so develop, test and present different concepts. This, in turn, will provide health care staff with innovation readiness and digital skills, enabling them to better see the opportunities in how and where to apply eHealth solutions.
We were also able to see some training at first hand with a tour of the Sim-Arena (simulation centre) at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.