A quick round up of some of the news from our last newsletter
eHealth Cluster at the Binary Festival
We’re looking forward to taking part in the Binary Festival – a lively two-day festival that celebrates and connects communities of innovators, inventors, leaders, makers and creators of our future. On the morning of 24th May, we are showcasing a range of eHealth Cluster SMEs and their work in eHealth and Liverpool CCG will outline their aims for eHealth in the Liverpool City Region.
Studio Mashbo – Prizes Galore!
Congratulations to eHealth Cluster member Studio Mashbo for their great win at the fourth Prolific North Awards, which took place on April 28th
Studio Mashbo are also nominated for two awards in 2016 Digital Leaders 100. They have been listed as one of ten SME Digital Leaders of the Year, based on the views of ten independent judges, out of over 500 entrants, and their Fresh CAMHS collaboration has also made the DL100 list as one of ten Digital Public Service Innovations of the Year. Public voting for the DL100 Awards is open until Friday, 27th May, and can be accessed here